About Me

Still, I am on the way to find myself and not yet close to the answer. Thus, writing "about me" is quite a tough task for the reason that it remains a blur and abstract concept. Since I am not familiar with myself that much, I will keep the track of finding out "who I am" in this blog.I am truly convinced that throughout my own life, I will finally unveil the mystery of this very "me". Sincerely hope that I will no longer be a stranger to myself.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


In just a few days, there will be a vacation. A "VACATION" !!! I just cannot wait to take my vacation!!!
Taking a vacation sounds great, doesn't it? Well......If a vacation can be"just"a vacation, it will be totally wonderful. Everyone anticipates this vacation, but what comes after this vacation?
The answer is the “midterm exam".
NO!!! A "MIDTERM EXAM" !!! How dreadful it is!!! Sometimes I do wonder if a tough task always puts on a mask named "vacation". OK~I think I had better stop thinking about this monstrous midterm exam, or I will probably spoil my beautiful vacation.
Hmm......maybe I can just let it be!!!This seems to be a good idea......or maybe not. If I do let it be......well, I can imagine the consequence now. How awful !!! It looks like that I really should bargain with this midterm exam in order to take a fair price. It's a deal !!! No matter what, I will take this bargain. After all, I will do everything for my sweet vacation. Dear vacation, wait for me, I am coming ~~~!!!


  1. Sorry, I'm late for the comment.
    Vacation is so enjoyment and treasure to me, because my hometown is in Tainan. This time I went home, I felt so unfair while seeing my brother can have a 9 days long vacation. But what else can we ask for more? Just having a dinner with family, can make me feel very blessed.

  2. I took ten days off and spend it all with my family, old friends and my home town. Even there are still midterm exams waiting, I thought it is worthy.

  3. When I see your blog, the vacation already ended. Before the vacation, I was thinking lots of interesting ideas which I want to do during this vacation, but just like you say, there is a horrible midterm exam waiting for me so all the interesting ideas are nonsense. As a result of it, I tried to make a study plan for my midterm exam, but at last, it was nonsense, too. Because when I was on my vacation, I was so lazy to pick up my books to study and all in my mind is going out for fun .Maybe next time I should think and plan my schedule earlier.

