About Me

Still, I am on the way to find myself and not yet close to the answer. Thus, writing "about me" is quite a tough task for the reason that it remains a blur and abstract concept. Since I am not familiar with myself that much, I will keep the track of finding out "who I am" in this blog.I am truly convinced that throughout my own life, I will finally unveil the mystery of this very "me". Sincerely hope that I will no longer be a stranger to myself.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


In just a few days, there will be a vacation. A "VACATION" !!! I just cannot wait to take my vacation!!!
Taking a vacation sounds great, doesn't it? Well......If a vacation can be"just"a vacation, it will be totally wonderful. Everyone anticipates this vacation, but what comes after this vacation?
The answer is the “midterm exam".
NO!!! A "MIDTERM EXAM" !!! How dreadful it is!!! Sometimes I do wonder if a tough task always puts on a mask named "vacation". OK~I think I had better stop thinking about this monstrous midterm exam, or I will probably spoil my beautiful vacation.
Hmm......maybe I can just let it be!!!This seems to be a good idea......or maybe not. If I do let it be......well, I can imagine the consequence now. How awful !!! It looks like that I really should bargain with this midterm exam in order to take a fair price. It's a deal !!! No matter what, I will take this bargain. After all, I will do everything for my sweet vacation. Dear vacation, wait for me, I am coming ~~~!!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011



With the release of their first full length album, CNBLUE takes the "first step" in this music world.
"Start from the street, and prosper in the street." To recall the memory of performing in the street and not to forget the original passion, they choose to hold  large-scale street concerts as their first activity. Through the activity, they promise their fans that they will never change and will keep on learning more and more.

In this album, there are twelve songs totally, including "Intuition", "Imagine" and "LOVE GIRL" three new compositions. In the title song "Intuition", you can easily feel its power by strong melody and light rhythm. Besides, this is also the one that you can perceive a different side of CNBLUE.
